Smart Recorder FAQ

How to view highlighted notes?

How to check SN numbers?

How to upgrade the offline language packages?

How to upgrade the system?

How to reset your Smart Recorder?

How to switch recording languages?

How to unlock the screen?

How to set the date and time?

How to set the system language?

How to set up a passcode?

How to change screen lock timeout?

How to play audio recordings?

How to view transcription files?

Other Instructions

How to choose recording modes?

Please select the corresponding recording mode in the main recording interface according to your recording environment:
1. Smart mode: applicable for most situations.
2. Meeting mode: applicable for multi-person/directional meetings and forums.
3. Lecture mode: applicable for multi-person lectures or news meetings within 10 meters.
4. Interview mode: interviews or conversations with fewer than 3 people.

What is the longest recording time?

The longest recording time is 4 hours and 55 minutes and if the time is exceeded, the record will stop to save the file and start recording a new audio automatically.

How to start recording?

M1: Click the red recording key on the screen to start recording, and click it again to save the record.
M2: Click the recording card to start recording, and click the [Pause] - [Finish] button to save the recording.

How to manage the recording files?

A. File Editing
a. Single File Operation: : In "My Files," swipe left on the target file to perform the following actions: Rename((only supported in the Chinese system language)-Delete.
b.Batch/Single file management: : Click on "My Files," then click the "Select" button at the top right corner to perform the following actions: Select multiple/single target files and delete them in batch or individually.
B. Playing Recording Files
a.After saving recording files, enter "My Files" to view them. Files are displayed in the order of recording creation time.
b. Click on the target file to enter the playback page.

How to upgrade the offline language packages?

Step 1: Connect the device to the computer via USB
1. Connect the recorder to the computer via USB, and when the access request popup appears on the recorder, select "Update".
2. Access the recorder's upgrade disk on the computer.(PS: For Apple computer which uses MAC system, Android File Transfer Tools like ANDROIDFILETRANSFER need to be downloaded. Connect by USB cable and activate the tool to check the recording pen file.)
Step 2: Download the offline language packages.
1. On the computer, open the upgrade disk of the recorder and click on the link for "System and Offline Language Pack Updates" to enter the update website, and download the corresponding offline language pack.
2.Copy the downloaded offline language packages to the Upgrade disk of the device.
Step 3:Update the offline language packages.
After copying the offline language pack, disconnect the USB, go to the recorder's "Settings" - "General Settings" - "Manage Language Packs," and enter the "Update Language Pack" interface for the update.